Thursday, February 26, 2009

Walking the talk: Expedition for clean water makes Frisco stop

Feb 23, 2009
Frisco reached out a helping hand to Africa on Saturday. About 50 area residents came together at The Canyons climbing gym to welcome a Texas native son and a fellow traveler walking to raise awareness of the need for clean and healthy water sources to save lives.

Bryan Schlackman, 22, of Richardson joined Daren Wendell, 27, of Ohio at the California border and is travelling with Wendell on the second leg of a multi-year, 18,000-mile journey around the world. They passed through Texas on their way to Dahlonega, Ga., as part of the Earth Expedition and Blood:Water Mission.

“I’ve always wanted to do something about the diseased water that kills so many Africans each day,” Schlackman said. “I just can’t stand seeing people die because they don’t have water.”

Full Story

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